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Agile Developer Services

AI Everywhere with the WAF Rule Builder Assistant, Cloudflare Radar AI Insights, and updated AI bot protection


Birthday WeekBot ManagementBotsAI BotsAIMachine LearningGenerative AISecurityDevelopersAgile Developer ServicesDeveloper PlatformApplication ServicesProduct News

This year for Cloudflare’s birthday, we’ve extended our AI Assistant capabilities to help you build new WAF rules, added new AI bot & crawler traffic insights to Radar, and given customers new AI bot blocking capabilities...

Builder Day 2024: 18 big updates to the Workers platform


Birthday WeekDeveloper PlatformAgile Developer ServicesDevelopersCloudflare WorkersR2 StorageQueuesCloudflare Images

To celebrate Builder Day 2024, we’re shipping 18 updates inspired by direct feedback from developers building on Cloudflare. This includes new capabilities, like running evals with AI Gateway, beta products like Queues and Vectorize graduating to GA, massive speed improvements to KV and Workers AI, pricing simplifications, and bringing key features from Pages into Workers....

Making Workers AI faster and more efficient: Performance optimization with KV cache compression and speculative decoding


Birthday WeekProduct NewsCloudflare WorkersDevelopersAgile Developer ServicesDeveloper PlatformLLM

With a new generation of data center accelerator hardware and using optimization techniques such as KV cache compression and speculative decoding, we’ve made large language model (LLM) inference lightning-fast on the Cloudflare Workers AI platform....